In the midst of the production of the second part of the drama, a young man named Shim-gunchan is introduced to the audience. He is a member of the staff of the theater, and he impresses everyone with his performance as both secretary and stylist. The young man tells the audience that he plans to complete his education in Europe, and that he will eventually move on to the director's position in the future. He thanks the staff for giving him this opportunity, and says that he is looking forward to sharing his stories with them. He also thanks the ceo for his help in getting him to this point. He says that everyone in the theater is beginning to believe that he has a new aid in the fight against hyungwoo, and they are beginning to gather in the hall to check on him. He praises the staff and the actors for their help in the drama series, and thanks Shim-Gunchan for helping him get there. He adds that he looks forward to the stories he will tell in the coming years. He wonders where Hyungwoo was when he left the hotel, and wonders how he could possibly stab him in the back. He tells the young man that he knows it is dangerous, but that he must do what is necessary to protect his friend.
In the midst of the production of the second part of the drama, a young man named Shim-gunchan is introduced to the audience. He is a member of the staff of the theater, and he impresses everyone with his performance as both secretary and stylist. The young man tells the audience that he plans to complete his education in Europe, and that he will eventually move on to the director's position in the future. He thanks the staff for giving him this opportunity, and says that he is looking forward to sharing his stories with them. He also thanks the ceo for his help in getting him to this point. He says that everyone in the theater is beginning to believe that he has a new aid in the fight against hyungwoo, and they are beginning to gather in the hall to check on him. He praises the staff and the actors for their help in the drama series, and thanks Shim-Gunchan for helping him get there. He adds that he looks forward to the stories he will tell in the coming years. He wonders where Hyungwoo was when he left the hotel, and wonders how he could possibly stab him in the back. He tells the young man that he knows it is dangerous, but that he must do what is necessary to protect his friend.