In the sixth panel, the smile has become "fake and cold will" . He wonders why he can't move, why he keeps getting teleported, and why there's no answer to his questions. He wants to know what mission instructor number five gave him this time. He's also wondering why he's been sent to this palace with the message that there might be some connection between the mural and this place. He doesn't know. He just wants to find out what's going on. The narrator tells him to remember that learning physical skills is like learning a language. There are no shortcuts. You have to do everything in order to get to the next step. He reminds us that the first time he saw the harvest season was when he was young, and he'll be able to remember it again while he does a mission. He remembers that the world of this first mural is the world where he can find his own evolutionary pathway. He asks the narrator to explain.
In the sixth panel, the smile has become "fake and cold will" . He wonders why he can't move, why he keeps getting teleported, and why there's no answer to his questions. He wants to know what mission instructor number five gave him this time. He's also wondering why he's been sent to this palace with the message that there might be some connection between the mural and this place. He doesn't know. He just wants to find out what's going on. The narrator tells him to remember that learning physical skills is like learning a language. There are no shortcuts. You have to do everything in order to get to the next step. He reminds us that the first time he saw the harvest season was when he was young, and he'll be able to remember it again while he does a mission. He remembers that the world of this first mural is the world where he can find his own evolutionary pathway. He asks the narrator to explain.