In year 4731, an enemy nation launches an aggressive, large-scale invasion of the state borders. The situation quickly turned critical, the nation's strongest god-class mecha warrior-ling xiao--with the important mission--of leading a fleet--to meet their enemies. lingxiao has no choice: he has to leave behind his wife, who is eight months pregnant with the couple's first child. Everyone is ready to strike, he says, but he needs to return home immediately to meet his child. He sees the target understood, an energy turbulence, has been detected, and the entire fleet has been confirmed to be destroyed. The baby is due in a few days, and he says that he will return soon. The mistress faints, and she says that her body is in the afterworld, sucking her in. She says that she has to hold on to it, for it is out of her body. The nurse tells her that the baby is healthy, and that she should give the baby a name: "ling lan" .
In year 4731, an enemy nation launches an aggressive, large-scale invasion of the state borders. The situation quickly turned critical, the nation's strongest god-class mecha warrior-ling xiao--with the important mission--of leading a fleet--to meet their enemies. lingxiao has no choice: he has to leave behind his wife, who is eight months pregnant with the couple's first child. Everyone is ready to strike, he says, but he needs to return home immediately to meet his child. He sees the target understood, an energy turbulence, has been detected, and the entire fleet has been confirmed to be destroyed. The baby is due in a few days, and he says that he will return soon. The mistress faints, and she says that her body is in the afterworld, sucking her in. She says that she has to hold on to it, for it is out of her body. The nurse tells her that the baby is healthy, and that she should give the baby a name: "ling lan" .