The narrator introduces us to a young boy named Ling-Lin, who is participating in a test to see which one of his friends can run the fastest. The narrator tells the boy that the test is being conducted in groups, and that he should return to his designated group to take the test. The boy, who identifies himself as Luo-Lung, is shocked to learn that he is being tested against a group of people who have never heard of his existence. He asks the boy if he is a pervert, to which the boy replies that he does not think he is, as he is called by his sister, Luo chao. He then asks if the other boys in the group are laughing at him, and the boy responds
The narrator introduces us to a young boy named Ling-Lin, who is participating in a test to see which one of his friends can run the fastest. The narrator tells the boy that the test is being conducted in groups, and that he should return to his designated group to take the test. The boy, who identifies himself as Luo-Lung, is shocked to learn that he is being tested against a group of people who have never heard of his existence. He asks the boy if he is a pervert, to which the boy replies that he does not think he is, as he is called by his sister, Luo chao. He then asks if the other boys in the group are laughing at him, and the boy responds