In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character named "Number 0723," who is described as a "clever tactician" and a "intelligent strategic type warrior." He is also described as "inhuman" and "capable of breaking through the physical limits of his own body" . He is the only person in the group who has the potential to become a "Mecha operator" , a term used to describe an infantry soldier. He also has the ability to "think on his feet" and is a "brilliant soldier." The reader is told that he will receive a reward for his services after he rejoins the army, and he is told to put his scores so that they seem average together in the special class.
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character named "Number 0723," who is described as a "clever tactician" and a "intelligent strategic type warrior." He is also described as "inhuman" and "capable of breaking through the physical limits of his own body" . He is the only person in the group who has the potential to become a "Mecha operator" , a term used to describe an infantry soldier. He also has the ability to "think on his feet" and is a "brilliant soldier." The reader is told that he will receive a reward for his services after he rejoins the army, and he is told to put his scores so that they seem average together in the special class.