Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 78 • Page ik-page-329100
Chapter 78
This is a locked chapterChapter 78
About This Chapter
Chapter 78 begins with the magic club members getting ready to leave for the summer. They've all fallen asleep, and one of them is trying to sleep. He's got a trick up his sleeve: he's going to make a moving safety pin move across a handkerchief. The trick involves fastening the safety pin to the handkerchief, but leaving the pin unfastened so that it doesn't slip off the handkerchief's handle. It's easier to do this with a pin that's already in place, like a belt buckle, than it is to do it with the pin that you just pulled out of the ground. This is a great trick, but it's hard to do when you're trying to make someone else fall asleep. The other guy is asleep, too, but he still can't figure out how to make the pin move. So, the trick is to slip the pin across the handkerchief and make it slip away from the handkerchief. It works, though, because the handkerchief is on the other side of the pin, so you just clip it onto the pin instead of pulling it out. The magic club is about to leave, but the
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Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 78 • Page ik-page-329100
Chapter 78
This is a locked chapterChapter 78
About This Chapter
Chapter 78 begins with the magic club members getting ready to leave for the summer. They've all fallen asleep, and one of them is trying to sleep. He's got a trick up his sleeve: he's going to make a moving safety pin move across a handkerchief. The trick involves fastening the safety pin to the handkerchief, but leaving the pin unfastened so that it doesn't slip off the handkerchief's handle. It's easier to do this with a pin that's already in place, like a belt buckle, than it is to do it with the pin that you just pulled out of the ground. This is a great trick, but it's hard to do when you're trying to make someone else fall asleep. The other guy is asleep, too, but he still can't figure out how to make the pin move. So, the trick is to slip the pin across the handkerchief and make it slip away from the handkerchief. It works, though, because the handkerchief is on the other side of the pin, so you just clip it onto the pin instead of pulling it out. The magic club is about to leave, but the
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