Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 51 • Page ik-page-328523
Chapter 51
This is a locked chapterChapter 51
About This Chapter
The gang follows sempai and finds that she has met a man. The gang asks her if she's okay, and she says that she is. They find a ring on the man's ring that looks like it belongs to a minivan, and they conclude that the man is a porn star trying to lure a girl into a sexual encounter. They run off to find the man, but he's already gone.
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Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 51 • Page ik-page-328523
Chapter 51
This is a locked chapterChapter 51
About This Chapter
The gang follows sempai and finds that she has met a man. The gang asks her if she's okay, and she says that she is. They find a ring on the man's ring that looks like it belongs to a minivan, and they conclude that the man is a porn star trying to lure a girl into a sexual encounter. They run off to find the man, but he's already gone.
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