Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-327797
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back in the room with the boss. He's got a bunch of new tricks up his sleeve. First off, he's going to use handcuffs and leg shackles to escape. The boss wants to know how to put handcuffs on, so he asks the assistant to help him. The assistant tells him about a famous escape artist named Harry Houdini, who was known as the "handcuff king" . Harry Houdini died when he was punched in the stomach by a college student, but he was so strong that he was able to perform the famous trick of remaining unaffected by a punch to the stomach. He was also known for his other famous trick, which was that he would remain unaffected by punches until someone punched him. Harry died when someone
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Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-327797
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back in the room with the boss. He's got a bunch of new tricks up his sleeve. First off, he's going to use handcuffs and leg shackles to escape. The boss wants to know how to put handcuffs on, so he asks the assistant to help him. The assistant tells him about a famous escape artist named Harry Houdini, who was known as the "handcuff king" . Harry Houdini died when he was punched in the stomach by a college student, but he was so strong that he was able to perform the famous trick of remaining unaffected by a punch to the stomach. He was also known for his other famous trick, which was that he would remain unaffected by punches until someone punched him. Harry died when someone
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