Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 95 • Page ik-page-2351182
Magical Sempai • Chapter 95 • Page ik-page-2351183
Chapter 95
This is a locked chapterChapter 95
About This Chapter
The next morning, the president of the magic club is at the aquarium talking to his assistant. He tells his assistant that he's been dumped by the club president, and that he and madara have agreed to meet the next day at the club's meeting place. The assistant is shocked to learn that the two of them have decided to meet in the middle of the weekend. He wonders why madara would want to meet with the president when she's so down and out. He also wonders why she'd want to see a magic show when she could just be hanging out with the other club members.
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Magical Sempai

Magical Sempai • Chapter 95 • Page ik-page-2351182
Magical Sempai • Chapter 95 • Page ik-page-2351183
Chapter 95
This is a locked chapterChapter 95
About This Chapter
The next morning, the president of the magic club is at the aquarium talking to his assistant. He tells his assistant that he's been dumped by the club president, and that he and madara have agreed to meet the next day at the club's meeting place. The assistant is shocked to learn that the two of them have decided to meet in the middle of the weekend. He wonders why madara would want to meet with the president when she's so down and out. He also wonders why she'd want to see a magic show when she could just be hanging out with the other club members.
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