Aco Momota introduces us to Hiroshi and Soushi, who are now living together in a small town in Japan. Hiroshi tells us that he has come home to celebrate the new year with his family, and that he wishes he could go back to his mother's house and spend some time with her. He says that he will stay with Hiyori and her family, but that he does not want to be a part of the family's "soushi place" . He hopes that his mother will be happy with him staying with them, and he says he will be staying with her and Hiroshi at her and her house. He does not know why, but he knows that he can do it. He tells us he will leave for a few days, and then he and his family will be apart for some time.
Aco Momota introduces us to Hiroshi and Soushi, who are now living together in a small town in Japan. Hiroshi tells us that he has come home to celebrate the new year with his family, and that he wishes he could go back to his mother's house and spend some time with her. He says that he will stay with Hiyori and her family, but that he does not want to be a part of the family's "soushi place" . He hopes that his mother will be happy with him staying with them, and he says he will be staying with her and Hiroshi at her and her house. He does not know why, but he knows that he can do it. He tells us he will leave for a few days, and then he and his family will be apart for some time.