Finest Servant

Finest Servant • Chapter 41 Part 2 • Page ik-page-4781952
Chapter 41 Part 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 41 Part 2
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The young master tells Lin that he should know that he is not the best in the world. He should learn his own limits. Lin tells him to remember to call on him if he wants to practice his martial arts. He tells the young master that a friend of his saved him that day. Lin says that he caught the smell of the fox's gouache on his body after smelling it. Lin asks how much hatred he has for the fox. He says that his master and his wife have been enemies and that he has to kill her every day to keep her from robbing him. Lin thinks that the two of them look like sisters. He thinks that they can do anything they want with each other. Lin wonders if this is for his own self-defense. He wonders if killing the fox is also a good thing. Lin replies that she is different from others because she has a different identity. He asks her if she would like him if she were not the demon girl. She replies that no matter what her identity is, her heart will always be the same.
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Finest Servant

Finest Servant • Chapter 41 Part 2 • Page ik-page-4781952
Chapter 41 Part 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 41 Part 2
About This Chapter
The young master tells Lin that he should know that he is not the best in the world. He should learn his own limits. Lin tells him to remember to call on him if he wants to practice his martial arts. He tells the young master that a friend of his saved him that day. Lin says that he caught the smell of the fox's gouache on his body after smelling it. Lin asks how much hatred he has for the fox. He says that his master and his wife have been enemies and that he has to kill her every day to keep her from robbing him. Lin thinks that the two of them look like sisters. He thinks that they can do anything they want with each other. Lin wonders if this is for his own self-defense. He wonders if killing the fox is also a good thing. Lin replies that she is different from others because she has a different identity. He asks her if she would like him if she were not the demon girl. She replies that no matter what her identity is, her heart will always be the same.
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