In this short scene, we learn that the emperor has sent a message to his son, asking him to practice his martial arts. The message instructs him to find the emperor in the capital on July 7 and to kiss the emperor 100 times. The emperor tells his son that his wife has gone to sleep and that he will not listen to her anymore. He also tells him that the eldest daughter has returned home and that she and the emperor have gone to the dangtu district, which is hundreds of miles away from the mountain. The eldest daughter finally stops acting like she has been crying and starts acting more like a normal person. He then gives his son a medal for his heroic act and tells him to hurry up.
In this short scene, we learn that the emperor has sent a message to his son, asking him to practice his martial arts. The message instructs him to find the emperor in the capital on July 7 and to kiss the emperor 100 times. The emperor tells his son that his wife has gone to sleep and that he will not listen to her anymore. He also tells him that the eldest daughter has returned home and that she and the emperor have gone to the dangtu district, which is hundreds of miles away from the mountain. The eldest daughter finally stops acting like she has been crying and starts acting more like a normal person. He then gives his son a medal for his heroic act and tells him to hurry up.