Wandering through the countryside, the narrator encounters a handsome young man. The young man is a member of a local jinling gang. The narrator is shocked to find that the young man has fallen in love with a woman. He is also shocked to learn that the man is also a talented writer. He remembers when he was in school, he was also a prince with fame. His skin appears whiter than the young men, but he is still handsome. He wonders why the young master has been squeezed into him, and he wonders if there is a war going on in the north. He also wonders if the man's voice is female.
Wandering through the countryside, the narrator encounters a handsome young man. The young man is a member of a local jinling gang. The narrator is shocked to find that the young man has fallen in love with a woman. He is also shocked to learn that the man is also a talented writer. He remembers when he was in school, he was also a prince with fame. His skin appears whiter than the young men, but he is still handsome. He wonders why the young master has been squeezed into him, and he wonders if there is a war going on in the north. He also wonders if the man's voice is female.