
Carthago • Book 7: The Kamchatka Trench, Part 3 • Page ik-page-4387148
Book 7: The Kamchatka Trench, Part 3
This is a locked chapterBook 7: The Kamchatka Trench, Part 3
About This Chapter
The next morning, Kim wakes up in the middle of nowhere. He doesn't want to leave, but he does want to get to the bottom of what happened. He tells the guys that they've been searching for him for two hours, and he's finally found his way into the tunnel. Kim wants to know what's going on, so he tells them to check their cameras. He says he cut off all communication with the guys because he wanted to make sure that feiersinger didn't find out about his discovery. Kim says he'll send the guys back to the lab to find out what they're up to. He's not worried about his daughter, though, because she's nowhere to be found. He wants to find a place where they can hide. Kim asks if they can leave the lab, and the guys say they can't, since the research center isn't open to the public. Kim tells them that they need to leave because the guy who's talking to them about the underwater city in London is a big fish, and Kim's dad was one of the first to discover the city. Kim and his dad are going to find the city, he says, and they'll beat the living daylights out of the living creatures there.
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Carthago • Book 7: The Kamchatka Trench, Part 3 • Page ik-page-4387148
Book 7: The Kamchatka Trench, Part 3
This is a locked chapterBook 7: The Kamchatka Trench, Part 3
About This Chapter
The next morning, Kim wakes up in the middle of nowhere. He doesn't want to leave, but he does want to get to the bottom of what happened. He tells the guys that they've been searching for him for two hours, and he's finally found his way into the tunnel. Kim wants to know what's going on, so he tells them to check their cameras. He says he cut off all communication with the guys because he wanted to make sure that feiersinger didn't find out about his discovery. Kim says he'll send the guys back to the lab to find out what they're up to. He's not worried about his daughter, though, because she's nowhere to be found. He wants to find a place where they can hide. Kim asks if they can leave the lab, and the guys say they can't, since the research center isn't open to the public. Kim tells them that they need to leave because the guy who's talking to them about the underwater city in London is a big fish, and Kim's dad was one of the first to discover the city. Kim and his dad are going to find the city, he says, and they'll beat the living daylights out of the living creatures there.
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