
Carthago • Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 1 • Page ik-page-4387059
Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 1
This is a locked chapterBook 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Tommy tells us that he is going to go see for himself what he thinks is the most terrifying thing he has ever seen: the albino carpathians. He says that his mother is terrified of them, and that they have gone under the boat. He tells her that the "nio" of the century was in fact the "el-mga el-nico" of this century, and the El-Mga El-nico influence is affecting the entire planet. He also says that salmon are on the brink of extinction, and coral reefs are dying. They have only fifteen minutes to get the carpathian meg off the platform, and they have only one beacon left to go. They need to hurry, they say, because the smell of the blood will drive the albino meg "berserk" . They can track him off the beach in the pacific northwest, he says, because he has the same row of "teeth" as his hand. They think he has gone, but he has come back, and his mother forgot to mention that she was on the expedition with him.
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Carthago • Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 1 • Page ik-page-4387059
Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 1
This is a locked chapterBook 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Tommy tells us that he is going to go see for himself what he thinks is the most terrifying thing he has ever seen: the albino carpathians. He says that his mother is terrified of them, and that they have gone under the boat. He tells her that the "nio" of the century was in fact the "el-mga el-nico" of this century, and the El-Mga El-nico influence is affecting the entire planet. He also says that salmon are on the brink of extinction, and coral reefs are dying. They have only fifteen minutes to get the carpathian meg off the platform, and they have only one beacon left to go. They need to hurry, they say, because the smell of the blood will drive the albino meg "berserk" . They can track him off the beach in the pacific northwest, he says, because he has the same row of "teeth" as his hand. They think he has gone, but he has come back, and his mother forgot to mention that she was on the expedition with him.
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