
Carthago • Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 3 • Page ik-page-4387089
Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 3
This is a locked chapterBook 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 3
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn more about the island of Bimini, where the novel takes place. We learn that the island was once inhabited by the island's first inhabitants, the megalodon, and that they have been living there for thousands of years. We also learn that nobuaki and the others have been trying to find a way to get back to the island, but that they've been unable to do so because of a series of strange electromagnetic disturbances that have been disrupting their measurements. They're now able to ascend to the "base camp" of the Megalodons, where they'll be able to track their progress. We're also told that the "scan of your retina" is complete, which means that you're no longer alone on the island. The two of them discuss the fact that they need to hook up to the ship that's bound for the Caribbean Sea. They also discuss the possibility of meeting up with some of their "friends" from Bimini. They all agree that it's a shame that they haven't been able to make it to Bimini to meet up with their friends, because they'd have made a great movie together. We hear that they bought a house on the beach next door to the house they're staying in, which is a shame, because it would have been a great place to hang out. They both agree that they don't share the same species, but they can't agree on anything else. They can only think of one more thing: "hundreds of conquests, namely famous actresses" . They wonder if they belong to a different species, and if they should just head back to California. They have no choice, they say, because the ship is headed straight for them, and the closest port is Heuneme, France, and another one farther north is London, England. The only thing they can think of to do
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Carthago • Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 3 • Page ik-page-4387089
Book 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 3
This is a locked chapterBook 6: Heiress of the Carpathains, Part 3
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn more about the island of Bimini, where the novel takes place. We learn that the island was once inhabited by the island's first inhabitants, the megalodon, and that they have been living there for thousands of years. We also learn that nobuaki and the others have been trying to find a way to get back to the island, but that they've been unable to do so because of a series of strange electromagnetic disturbances that have been disrupting their measurements. They're now able to ascend to the "base camp" of the Megalodons, where they'll be able to track their progress. We're also told that the "scan of your retina" is complete, which means that you're no longer alone on the island. The two of them discuss the fact that they need to hook up to the ship that's bound for the Caribbean Sea. They also discuss the possibility of meeting up with some of their "friends" from Bimini. They all agree that it's a shame that they haven't been able to make it to Bimini to meet up with their friends, because they'd have made a great movie together. We hear that they bought a house on the beach next door to the house they're staying in, which is a shame, because it would have been a great place to hang out. They both agree that they don't share the same species, but they can't agree on anything else. They can only think of one more thing: "hundreds of conquests, namely famous actresses" . They wonder if they belong to a different species, and if they should just head back to California. They have no choice, they say, because the ship is headed straight for them, and the closest port is Heuneme, France, and another one farther north is London, England. The only thing they can think of to do
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