
Carthago • Book 1: The Fortuna Island Lagoon, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4386733
Book 1: The Fortuna Island Lagoon, Part 4
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Fortuna Island Lagoon, Part 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn about the disappearance of the crew of the crazy dogs horse, which was en route to a record-breaking race in the Mediterranean Sea. Since the boat sank, the search and rescue effort has failed to find any survivors. We learn that every year, the local people perform a sacrificial ceremony in which they lower a dead camel into the black waters of the Congo River. The narrator tells us that the narrator stumbled upon the dead camel in one of the back alleys of the local market place. Since then, the movie has been locked away in a safe deposit box at a bank in the city of zurich. Since diving the el- kharab pass, the narrator says, he has spent his time "locked away" in his home, reading Greek texts and "refusing to see anyone." The narrator then tells us about the discovery of the fortuna lagoon, where they have been able to conduct 14 dives.
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Carthago • Book 1: The Fortuna Island Lagoon, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4386733
Book 1: The Fortuna Island Lagoon, Part 4
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Fortuna Island Lagoon, Part 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn about the disappearance of the crew of the crazy dogs horse, which was en route to a record-breaking race in the Mediterranean Sea. Since the boat sank, the search and rescue effort has failed to find any survivors. We learn that every year, the local people perform a sacrificial ceremony in which they lower a dead camel into the black waters of the Congo River. The narrator tells us that the narrator stumbled upon the dead camel in one of the back alleys of the local market place. Since then, the movie has been locked away in a safe deposit box at a bank in the city of zurich. Since diving the el- kharab pass, the narrator says, he has spent his time "locked away" in his home, reading Greek texts and "refusing to see anyone." The narrator then tells us about the discovery of the fortuna lagoon, where they have been able to conduct 14 dives.
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