
Carthago • Book 2: The Challenger Abyss, Part 3 • Page ik-page-4386807
Book 2: The Challenger Abyss, Part 3
This is a locked chapterBook 2: The Challenger Abyss, Part 3
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet Kim's mom, who tells the monster that her daughter has a "dismal physical anomaly" : she has "something that resembles gills" . Kim wants to know what the heck the monster is going to do about it, since she's already seen children covered in hair, and she doesn't want her daughter to become a "sideshow freak" like the other kids who have been bitten by the monster. Kim also asks if the monster will try to keep Kim from becoming a freak, and the monster says that they're not going to try to do anything about it. Kim then asks where her daughter is, since the monster has taken her to the "contact zone" of the monster's lair. Kim says that the monster didn't have to kidnap her daughter, since they have everything they need there. Kim asks why the monster brought her here, since he saved her and her husband's lives in the previous chapter on Fortuna Island. Kim reminds the monster of his debt to her, and says that he's dying to go after her, but she needs to remind him of that debt.
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Carthago • Book 2: The Challenger Abyss, Part 3 • Page ik-page-4386807
Book 2: The Challenger Abyss, Part 3
This is a locked chapterBook 2: The Challenger Abyss, Part 3
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet Kim's mom, who tells the monster that her daughter has a "dismal physical anomaly" : she has "something that resembles gills" . Kim wants to know what the heck the monster is going to do about it, since she's already seen children covered in hair, and she doesn't want her daughter to become a "sideshow freak" like the other kids who have been bitten by the monster. Kim also asks if the monster will try to keep Kim from becoming a freak, and the monster says that they're not going to try to do anything about it. Kim then asks where her daughter is, since the monster has taken her to the "contact zone" of the monster's lair. Kim says that the monster didn't have to kidnap her daughter, since they have everything they need there. Kim asks why the monster brought her here, since he saved her and her husband's lives in the previous chapter on Fortuna Island. Kim reminds the monster of his debt to her, and says that he's dying to go after her, but she needs to remind him of that debt.
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