Mercy Killing

Mercy Killing • Chapter 84: Come at Me! • Page ik-page-4072176
Mercy Killing • Chapter 84: Come at Me! • Page ik-page-4072131
Chapter 84: Come at Me!
This is a locked chapterChapter 84: Come at Me!
About This Chapter
Ruan is furious that he used the gun to kill Zev. He says that if he had not, they would have used guns as well. He tells Ruan to stab Zev instead of killing him. Ruan asks why he is dragging Zev into this matter. He thinks that if Zev had not been with him, he would not have ended up this way. He wonders what he should do when he sees that Zev is dying
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Mercy Killing

Mercy Killing • Chapter 84: Come at Me! • Page ik-page-4072176
Mercy Killing • Chapter 84: Come at Me! • Page ik-page-4072131
Chapter 84: Come at Me!
This is a locked chapterChapter 84: Come at Me!
About This Chapter
Ruan is furious that he used the gun to kill Zev. He says that if he had not, they would have used guns as well. He tells Ruan to stab Zev instead of killing him. Ruan asks why he is dragging Zev into this matter. He thinks that if Zev had not been with him, he would not have ended up this way. He wonders what he should do when he sees that Zev is dying
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