Mercy Killing

Mercy Killing • Chapter 2: First Blood • Page ik-page-3973620
Mercy Killing • Chapter 2: First Blood • Page ik-page-3875220
Mercy Killing • Chapter 2: First Blood • Page ik-page-3875221
Chapter 2: First Blood
This is a locked chapterChapter 2: First Blood
About This Chapter
The father of the kidnapped girl is furious with his son-in-law for daring to kidnap his daughter. He demands that he hand over the person who kidnapped his daughter to the police. He also demands that the "defender" company bring his daughter back to him in three hours. The father asks why the men didn't stop him to think about how he could have prevented his daughter's abduction. The police arrive and arrest the men, but they refuse to give up their weapons. The leader of the police forces the men to surrender their weapons and kill all of the men present. He tells the father that the police have done a good deed by arresting the men. He asks the father to move back to the city so that he can check on the whereabouts of his daughter
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Mercy Killing

Mercy Killing • Chapter 2: First Blood • Page ik-page-3973620
Mercy Killing • Chapter 2: First Blood • Page ik-page-3875220
Mercy Killing • Chapter 2: First Blood • Page ik-page-3875221
Chapter 2: First Blood
This is a locked chapterChapter 2: First Blood
About This Chapter
The father of the kidnapped girl is furious with his son-in-law for daring to kidnap his daughter. He demands that he hand over the person who kidnapped his daughter to the police. He also demands that the "defender" company bring his daughter back to him in three hours. The father asks why the men didn't stop him to think about how he could have prevented his daughter's abduction. The police arrive and arrest the men, but they refuse to give up their weapons. The leader of the police forces the men to surrender their weapons and kill all of the men present. He tells the father that the police have done a good deed by arresting the men. He asks the father to move back to the city so that he can check on the whereabouts of his daughter
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