Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4339385
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4339386
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4339387
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
The next morning, the Governess wakes up and asks the boyd to lift her magic so that she can ask the girl she's been holding hostage what happened to her. The boyd tells her that the girl he's holding is a "magic girl" who manipulates memories. The Governess asks the girl if she has a "status" on her neck that only grade-s girls have. The girl says that when she was a young girl, she had a magical girl rescue her when she got trapped in an accident. She'll fix her phone if she leaves it to her, the girl says. The rain has captured the gate, and they're worried about rescuing the girl. They're also worried about diverting the man's attention from the girl they've been holding.
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Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4339385
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4339386
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4339387
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
The next morning, the Governess wakes up and asks the boyd to lift her magic so that she can ask the girl she's been holding hostage what happened to her. The boyd tells her that the girl he's holding is a "magic girl" who manipulates memories. The Governess asks the girl if she has a "status" on her neck that only grade-s girls have. The girl says that when she was a young girl, she had a magical girl rescue her when she got trapped in an accident. She'll fix her phone if she leaves it to her, the girl says. The rain has captured the gate, and they're worried about rescuing the girl. They're also worried about diverting the man's attention from the girl they've been holding.
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