Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4339440
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4339441
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4339442
Chapter 19
This is a locked chapterChapter 19
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the magical girl, Batori, who is still working at the gate. She is also a "magical girl" and decides to experiment in whatever she wants. The girl wonders why she was the only one promoted to the rank of a grade a when there were so many other people who were more qualified than she is. She wonders what batori would have done if she were in her shoes. Batori is surprised that the girl has gone looking for her. She slaps the girl and tells her to follow her because something urgent has come up. It seems that someone from the enemy organization is in the area, and the girl must follow. She tells the girl to use her magic to stay alive. She reminds the girl that she still cannot use magic because of a patch on her shoulder, and she wonders how she is supposed to take on the enemy by herself
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Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4339440
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4339441
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4339442
Chapter 19
This is a locked chapterChapter 19
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the magical girl, Batori, who is still working at the gate. She is also a "magical girl" and decides to experiment in whatever she wants. The girl wonders why she was the only one promoted to the rank of a grade a when there were so many other people who were more qualified than she is. She wonders what batori would have done if she were in her shoes. Batori is surprised that the girl has gone looking for her. She slaps the girl and tells her to follow her because something urgent has come up. It seems that someone from the enemy organization is in the area, and the girl must follow. She tells the girl to use her magic to stay alive. She reminds the girl that she still cannot use magic because of a patch on her shoulder, and she wonders how she is supposed to take on the enemy by herself
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