Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4641594
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4641595
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4641596
Chapter 38
This is a locked chapterChapter 38
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the events of the previous chapter. In this scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, who has just been stabbed in the arm by a "larum rum amide" , a magical substance that acts as a buffer between the body and the outside world. The protagonist's reaction to the news of his injury is one of shock and horror. He is horrified to find that he has been attacked by the "monster." He is also horrified to learn that the other characters have also been attacked. He realizes that he is not the only one who has been affected by the events. He also realizes that his own actions have been responsible for the attack. He feels that his selfishness has played a role in the attack, and that he should have been more concerned about the safety of his friend, who is bleeding profusely from the wound he received in the fight. He apologizes for his selfishness, and wonders why he is so upset. He asks if he is being punished for his actions, and if he will be demoted to a lower grade in the coming days. He tells himself that he had no intention of becoming a "magician," but that he can become a "grade s" by joining forces with the protagonist. He then asks if the others have promised to reach the same level of achievement as he, and they all agree that they will. He wonders if they have done so, and
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Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4641594
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4641595
Magical Girl Lan • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-4641596
Chapter 38
This is a locked chapterChapter 38
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the events of the previous chapter. In this scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, who has just been stabbed in the arm by a "larum rum amide" , a magical substance that acts as a buffer between the body and the outside world. The protagonist's reaction to the news of his injury is one of shock and horror. He is horrified to find that he has been attacked by the "monster." He is also horrified to learn that the other characters have also been attacked. He realizes that he is not the only one who has been affected by the events. He also realizes that his own actions have been responsible for the attack. He feels that his selfishness has played a role in the attack, and that he should have been more concerned about the safety of his friend, who is bleeding profusely from the wound he received in the fight. He apologizes for his selfishness, and wonders why he is so upset. He asks if he is being punished for his actions, and if he will be demoted to a lower grade in the coming days. He tells himself that he had no intention of becoming a "magician," but that he can become a "grade s" by joining forces with the protagonist. He then asks if the others have promised to reach the same level of achievement as he, and they all agree that they will. He wonders if they have done so, and
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