Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9

Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9 • Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY." • Page ik-page-4260562
Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9 • Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY." • Page ik-page-4259743
Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9 • Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY." • Page ik-page-4259741
Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY."
This is a locked chapterChapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY."
About This Chapter
Hiroshi says that he's not the one being attacked by the bear. He's the one that's being eaten by it, because it's based on instinct and animal behavior. Hiroshi is wearing a pair of boots, which he bought at a big department store for about 37 yen. He doesn't want to leave the station until he gets back to work, so he goes to the store and buys some more boots. When he returns to the station, Hiroshi finds that the woman who attacked him is none other than Madoka Chishiro, a member of a bear research society. She's also a big donor to an anti-poaching charity, but she's in desperate need of money. She needs to convince the bear that she'll kill it if the bear attacks her and her kids. The only way she can do that is to convince herself that the bear will be killed if and when the bear does attack her.
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Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9

Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9 • Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY." • Page ik-page-4260562
Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9 • Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY." • Page ik-page-4259743
Wave, Listen to Me! 1-9 • Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY." • Page ik-page-4259741
Chapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY."
This is a locked chapterChapter 80: "I’M NOT THE ONE WHO’S PREY."
About This Chapter
Hiroshi says that he's not the one being attacked by the bear. He's the one that's being eaten by it, because it's based on instinct and animal behavior. Hiroshi is wearing a pair of boots, which he bought at a big department store for about 37 yen. He doesn't want to leave the station until he gets back to work, so he goes to the store and buys some more boots. When he returns to the station, Hiroshi finds that the woman who attacked him is none other than Madoka Chishiro, a member of a bear research society. She's also a big donor to an anti-poaching charity, but she's in desperate need of money. She needs to convince the bear that she'll kill it if the bear attacks her and her kids. The only way she can do that is to convince herself that the bear will be killed if and when the bear does attack her.
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