This is a locked chapterChapter 27: "THINGS WON'T PLAY OUT."
About This Chapter
The next morning, the show is about to go live, but the hosts decide not to go through with it. They're worried that the show will be a failure, but they're not sure what to do. They decide to go ahead with it anyway. The show's not going to fail, they say, because they've done a good job of making it a success.
This is a locked chapterChapter 27: "THINGS WON'T PLAY OUT."
About This Chapter
The next morning, the show is about to go live, but the hosts decide not to go through with it. They're worried that the show will be a failure, but they're not sure what to do. They decide to go ahead with it anyway. The show's not going to fail, they say, because they've done a good job of making it a success.