The next morning, the two men go to the house of the dead, where they find a slip of paper with the words "hell" written on it. It's a reminder that the dead are welcome in the new town of ecstasy, but that they'll have to wait until the next morning before they can return. The two men explain that they can sense the location on the paper because they're both in the "yin" realm, which is the realm of living things. They can sense that there's someone there, but they don't know if that person is a ghost or not. The men decide that they need to lower their auras in order to "assimilate into their world" .
The next morning, the two men go to the house of the dead, where they find a slip of paper with the words "hell" written on it. It's a reminder that the dead are welcome in the new town of ecstasy, but that they'll have to wait until the next morning before they can return. The two men explain that they can sense the location on the paper because they're both in the "yin" realm, which is the realm of living things. They can sense that there's someone there, but they don't know if that person is a ghost or not. The men decide that they need to lower their auras in order to "assimilate into their world" .