In this short scene, we get a brief description of the plot of the novel. It's set in the present day, and it's about a guy who's trying to get rid of his boss. He's got one piece of paper with him, and he's going to drag his boss out of the room, but he can't do it because the guy's inside the room. The guy is about to run away, but fierce doesn't want to let him go, so they're going to find him and trap him in a hot spring. The hot spring isn't there yet, but it'll be soon. The boss is all, "Hey, the cops have finally found you. I'm running
In this short scene, we get a brief description of the plot of the novel. It's set in the present day, and it's about a guy who's trying to get rid of his boss. He's got one piece of paper with him, and he's going to drag his boss out of the room, but he can't do it because the guy's inside the room. The guy is about to run away, but fierce doesn't want to let him go, so they're going to find him and trap him in a hot spring. The hot spring isn't there yet, but it'll be soon. The boss is all, "Hey, the cops have finally found you. I'm running