This is a locked chapterExtra Chapter 1 Love Field Report
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that ruirui's younger brother, Tamura, is away at school. Tamura and Tamura have not spoken to each other in a while, and they haven't seen each other since Tamura told her about the novel. When Tamura asks why she hasn't spoken to him, she says that she's not there to give him a message, but to tell him how beautiful the novel is. She's also surprised that Tamura is a man, and she apologizes for being a little weird. She tells Tamura that she loves him, and that if he were a weird person, she'd feel the same way. She also tells him that they're not going to work together anymore, and asks him to take care of her office for her. She says she'll miss her, and wants to go on a trip with Tamura to a castle inn, where they can take a picture together. She asks Tamura if he'll fall in love with someone, and he says that he'd like to, but that he can't, because he's going to be away from home for a while. He tells her to wait a minute, and then he asks her to take him a picture of her from the back of the room. He says that when he first met her, she was very sweet and kind, but he was jealous that she was being so sweet. He thinks that at some point, he realized that he already had fallen in love. He wants to know how happy he would be if he ever thought about her like that. He decides to ask Tamura about it when he gets home.