
Asterism • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3260072
Asterism • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3260073
Asterism • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3260074
Chapter 73
This is a locked chapterChapter 73
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a conversation between a teacher and his assistant. The two men are discussing the upcoming reunion of the art students at their school. The teacher asks the assistant what time it is, and the assistant replies that it will be on Saturday at 12pm. He tells the teacher that he will send another message when the reunion is over, and then he will meet the students again on Saturday
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Asterism • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3260072
Asterism • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3260073
Asterism • Chapter 73 • Page ik-page-3260074
Chapter 73
This is a locked chapterChapter 73
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a conversation between a teacher and his assistant. The two men are discussing the upcoming reunion of the art students at their school. The teacher asks the assistant what time it is, and the assistant replies that it will be on Saturday at 12pm. He tells the teacher that he will send another message when the reunion is over, and then he will meet the students again on Saturday
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