The next morning, the three of them head back to the apartment to prepare for the next day's party, which is to take place the following Friday. They decide to take a bicycle instead of a car because the roads are being built around the apartment, and because the teacher's bicycle has been parked downstairs for so long that no one has been using it. The three decide to go to the party in pairs, and when they arrive, they find that the bicycle is already repaired and ready to go. They are interrupted by a voice on the other end of the phone, who tells them that their mother is in the hospital and that they should hurry back home
The next morning, the three of them head back to the apartment to prepare for the next day's party, which is to take place the following Friday. They decide to take a bicycle instead of a car because the roads are being built around the apartment, and because the teacher's bicycle has been parked downstairs for so long that no one has been using it. The three decide to go to the party in pairs, and when they arrive, they find that the bicycle is already repaired and ready to go. They are interrupted by a voice on the other end of the phone, who tells them that their mother is in the hospital and that they should hurry back home