The emperor tells his majesty that he is very close to Pei-Yu and that he will not marry him because he is jealous. He tells him that he must go and find someone to accompany him. He says that he still looks forward to marrying and messing things up his plans. The emperor says he never thought he would see his want for him as "risky or greedy". He says he is the one who has "crash-preview" it and that it is like all the fear deep in his heart has disappeared suddenly. He asks his majesty what will happen if he is faced with the love of both of them. He suggests that she kiss him and ask if he would like to be empress. He then asks his enemy what his idea is. The enemy says that if he sees the emperors want as selfish, then he might see his feelings for her as greedy marry
The emperor tells his majesty that he is very close to Pei-Yu and that he will not marry him because he is jealous. He tells him that he must go and find someone to accompany him. He says that he still looks forward to marrying and messing things up his plans. The emperor says he never thought he would see his want for him as "risky or greedy". He says he is the one who has "crash-preview" it and that it is like all the fear deep in his heart has disappeared suddenly. He asks his majesty what will happen if he is faced with the love of both of them. He suggests that she kiss him and ask if he would like to be empress. He then asks his enemy what his idea is. The enemy says that if he sees the emperors want as selfish, then he might see his feelings for her as greedy marry