In this short scene, the emperor tells his attendants that he can do anything he wants. He tells one of the attendants to help him change into a girl's clothes so that he won't be bullied anymore. The emperor tells the other attendants that the provincial commander of the military has arranged a banquet for the emperor's empress. The empress is drunk and should not be disturbed before noon the next day. She tells the emperor that she was in a dream that scared her to death. She also tells him that her corset is missing and that she might be killed if the emperor doesn't find it. She begs the emperor to ask her what happened the night she got kissed
In this short scene, the emperor tells his attendants that he can do anything he wants. He tells one of the attendants to help him change into a girl's clothes so that he won't be bullied anymore. The emperor tells the other attendants that the provincial commander of the military has arranged a banquet for the emperor's empress. The empress is drunk and should not be disturbed before noon the next day. She tells the emperor that she was in a dream that scared her to death. She also tells him that her corset is missing and that she might be killed if the emperor doesn't find it. She begs the emperor to ask her what happened the night she got kissed