In this chapter, we learn that the imperial family is looking for a new concubine, and that the women are competing for the position. The first lady, the daughter of an assistant minister of war, is in the middle of a competition to be chosen as the new emperor's wife. The other women are also competing for this position, and the first lady is upset because she has been flirting with the other women. The second lady, Lingyue, is also in the running for the post, but she is worried that the emperor will see her flirting with another woman, and he will be jealous.
In this chapter, we learn that the imperial family is looking for a new concubine, and that the women are competing for the position. The first lady, the daughter of an assistant minister of war, is in the middle of a competition to be chosen as the new emperor's wife. The other women are also competing for this position, and the first lady is upset because she has been flirting with the other women. The second lady, Lingyue, is also in the running for the post, but she is worried that the emperor will see her flirting with another woman, and he will be jealous.