The next morning, the emperor kneels down to serve his wife. He tells her that he made a mistake in his plan, and wonders if she is unhappy with him. She tells him that she has tried many times to test him, but he says that nothing ventured, nothing gained. The emperor tells her to go back to sleep, but she tells him to be careful, as she will get sick if she goes to bed. He says that he is a good man, and that he will not do anything to her. He asks her if she has a good night's sleep, and she says that she did. She says that they are going out, and the emperor asks her why she is trying to embarrass her family. She replies that she does not need any help, and asks the emperor to marry her.
The next morning, the emperor kneels down to serve his wife. He tells her that he made a mistake in his plan, and wonders if she is unhappy with him. She tells him that she has tried many times to test him, but he says that nothing ventured, nothing gained. The emperor tells her to go back to sleep, but she tells him to be careful, as she will get sick if she goes to bed. He says that he is a good man, and that he will not do anything to her. He asks her if she has a good night's sleep, and she says that she did. She says that they are going out, and the emperor asks her why she is trying to embarrass her family. She replies that she does not need any help, and asks the emperor to marry her.