The scene opens in the garden of the emperor's palace, where the emperor and his courtiers are preparing for the royal banquet. The emperor tells the courtiers that they are welcome to attend the second part of the banquet, but that he will not allow them to drink. He tells them that he is the emperor, and that he can do anything he wants. He then tells the audience that he has a surprise for them: Princess Hening has arrived at the banquet. He says that she is the only member of the royal family who has come to the banquet; she is also the princess's substitute for the emperor. He also says that the prince regent has planted an extra grape in his garden in order to marry the princess.
The scene opens in the garden of the emperor's palace, where the emperor and his courtiers are preparing for the royal banquet. The emperor tells the courtiers that they are welcome to attend the second part of the banquet, but that he will not allow them to drink. He tells them that he is the emperor, and that he can do anything he wants. He then tells the audience that he has a surprise for them: Princess Hening has arrived at the banquet. He says that she is the only member of the royal family who has come to the banquet; she is also the princess's substitute for the emperor. He also says that the prince regent has planted an extra grape in his garden in order to marry the princess.