The next morning, the emperor will lead the attack on the retreating army. The next day, however, he will not allow it. Physician Xiao asks if he is worried about the emperor's health, and the general replies that he is safe and will return soon. The soldier who escaped from the ambush tells the general that the emperor has already been killed. The general says that the enemy troops encircled the emperor, and that he must have been a spy in their camp. The southern soldiers hate the northern emperor, but they do not dare insult him. He is the one who destroyed his own country, slaughtered his own people, and killed the father of his own father. He has been spineless for so long. The emperor is dead, the general says, and he has achieved his goal. He asks the guards to send the emperor to the captives to be interrogated. The doctor replies that if the soldiers do not believe him, it will not make any difference.
The next morning, the emperor will lead the attack on the retreating army. The next day, however, he will not allow it. Physician Xiao asks if he is worried about the emperor's health, and the general replies that he is safe and will return soon. The soldier who escaped from the ambush tells the general that the emperor has already been killed. The general says that the enemy troops encircled the emperor, and that he must have been a spy in their camp. The southern soldiers hate the northern emperor, but they do not dare insult him. He is the one who destroyed his own country, slaughtered his own people, and killed the father of his own father. He has been spineless for so long. The emperor is dead, the general says, and he has achieved his goal. He asks the guards to send the emperor to the captives to be interrogated. The doctor replies that if the soldiers do not believe him, it will not make any difference.