In this short scene, the two men discuss the death of yongning, who has committed suicide. The two men decide to leave the city and go to the suburbs to escape the persecution. . They are interrupted by the voice of the emperor, who tells them to spend the night at the palace. He asks why they are there, and they tell him that they are in love. He tells them that he heard of the war and was worried about the female lead, who was also in love with the emperor's second wife. He says that he will make sure that the woman is safe. He also tells the men that the emperor has lost both his wives, and that he is alone on the throne.
In this short scene, the two men discuss the death of yongning, who has committed suicide. The two men decide to leave the city and go to the suburbs to escape the persecution. . They are interrupted by the voice of the emperor, who tells them to spend the night at the palace. He asks why they are there, and they tell him that they are in love. He tells them that he heard of the war and was worried about the female lead, who was also in love with the emperor's second wife. He says that he will make sure that the woman is safe. He also tells the men that the emperor has lost both his wives, and that he is alone on the throne.