In this chapter, we learn that the northern emperor wishes to protect the southern emperor, but that he will not allow anyone to harm him again. The two men discuss the upcoming battle, which will take place on the fourth day after the battle. The southern prince has managed to escape from the palace, but the emperor blames him for his incompetence. The emperor says that he could perform the "slab on chest" trick on the southern prince, which involves placing large slabs on his chest, and breaking them with a hammer. The son of the emperor's wife, chun gui, has improved his combat skills and is now able to fight with the emperor. .
In this chapter, we learn that the northern emperor wishes to protect the southern emperor, but that he will not allow anyone to harm him again. The two men discuss the upcoming battle, which will take place on the fourth day after the battle. The southern prince has managed to escape from the palace, but the emperor blames him for his incompetence. The emperor says that he could perform the "slab on chest" trick on the southern prince, which involves placing large slabs on his chest, and breaking them with a hammer. The son of the emperor's wife, chun gui, has improved his combat skills and is now able to fight with the emperor. .