The next morning, the three of them go for a walk. When they arrive, they find that the vice chairman has asked them to bake some cookies for him. When the father asks about his mother's feelings for him, the young man says that he does not have feelings for her. He asks his father if he still has feelings for his mother. The young man replies that his feelings are for her first. The father tells him that he can ask his secretary to bring him new clothes for work the next day.
The next morning, the three of them go for a walk. When they arrive, they find that the vice chairman has asked them to bake some cookies for him. When the father asks about his mother's feelings for him, the young man says that he does not have feelings for her. He asks his father if he still has feelings for his mother. The young man replies that his feelings are for her first. The father tells him that he can ask his secretary to bring him new clothes for work the next day.