This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 35 Special Chapter
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a young man named haebom, who has just returned from a trip to the cinema with his friend . The two of them have decided to go to a Christmas party at which they will buy presents for each other. The party will take place at a restaurant near the cinema, and the two men plan to go there together. When they arrive at the restaurant, they find that all the food and drink are already sold out, and that there is no free seating for them to sit in the theater. They decide that they will go to another restaurant nearby, and when they arrive, they discover that the theater has already begun showing the new movie, "The Princess Bride." The two men are surprised to learn that the party is just for Christmas Eve, and they wonder why they have not been able to catch the movie in their allotted time. They also discover that they have been unable to communicate with each other in the allotted time because of the loud noises of the cinema and the crowded restaurant. The men decide to go back to the hotel, where they plan to meet up with their friends.