The vice-chairman, Yeoon Dowan, is about to confront his son, Seohyun Yeoon, who is the manager of the second store. Yeoon asks him to return his ring, but Yeoon says that he doesn't need the ring anymore, as it has become "dirty thanks to somebody." Yeoon then tells Yeoon that he has something to tell him: it turns out that Yeoon's son is in love with another man at work, and Yeoon is worried that this will cause a scandal at the company. He threatens Yeoon with legal action if he reveals the truth about his son's relationship to another man, and says that if Yeoon gives him a large sum of money, he will resign quietly and live a quiet life
The vice-chairman, Yeoon Dowan, is about to confront his son, Seohyun Yeoon, who is the manager of the second store. Yeoon asks him to return his ring, but Yeoon says that he doesn't need the ring anymore, as it has become "dirty thanks to somebody." Yeoon then tells Yeoon that he has something to tell him: it turns out that Yeoon's son is in love with another man at work, and Yeoon is worried that this will cause a scandal at the company. He threatens Yeoon with legal action if he reveals the truth about his son's relationship to another man, and says that if Yeoon gives him a large sum of money, he will resign quietly and live a quiet life