The next morning, the two of them go for a walk. They run into each other at the park, and the two start talking about their school days. They're both in love with each other, but they can't seem to get along well enough to be friends. The two start to argue about whether or not they're really in love, and when they finally get to the point, they realize that the woman they were holding is the president of a company they've set up to do business with. They also realize that this is the same woman they'd been talking about earlier in the day, when they were catching up with her about her brother's death. She's not into the idea of having an "omega" in her life, and she doesn't want to be associated with a man who's married to a "omega." The two decide that they'll get along just fine, and they agree to go home together.
The next morning, the two of them go for a walk. They run into each other at the park, and the two start talking about their school days. They're both in love with each other, but they can't seem to get along well enough to be friends. The two start to argue about whether or not they're really in love, and when they finally get to the point, they realize that the woman they were holding is the president of a company they've set up to do business with. They also realize that this is the same woman they'd been talking about earlier in the day, when they were catching up with her about her brother's death. She's not into the idea of having an "omega" in her life, and she doesn't want to be associated with a man who's married to a "omega." The two decide that they'll get along just fine, and they agree to go home together.