Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-4242064
Chapter 60
This is a locked chapterChapter 60
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the former delinquent farmer is in love with a young woman. He tells her that he wants her to "bump take care of" her "forever" , but warns her that when they get married, they'll have to "slide together" . He's not joking, though, when he says that she's "pretty quiet" when it comes to talking about sex, so he's going to have to be "willing to talk" when they're married, too. He says that he likes her "no matter what" and that he'll "suck inside" when she "putters." He'll slap her when she does it, and when she doesn't slap him back, he will slap her again. The scene ends with the young woman saying that she wants to feel "even better" when he slaps her, but she can't get him to stop. She's afraid that if he does this, she'll be "sucked inside" and she won't be able to "stop cumming." The young woman says that the young man is cruel, and she'd rather have him "so cruel" that she wouldn't even want to be with him. The young
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-4242064
Chapter 60
This is a locked chapterChapter 60
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the former delinquent farmer is in love with a young woman. He tells her that he wants her to "bump take care of" her "forever" , but warns her that when they get married, they'll have to "slide together" . He's not joking, though, when he says that she's "pretty quiet" when it comes to talking about sex, so he's going to have to be "willing to talk" when they're married, too. He says that he likes her "no matter what" and that he'll "suck inside" when she "putters." He'll slap her when she does it, and when she doesn't slap him back, he will slap her again. The scene ends with the young woman saying that she wants to feel "even better" when he slaps her, but she can't get him to stop. She's afraid that if he does this, she'll be "sucked inside" and she won't be able to "stop cumming." The young woman says that the young man is cruel, and she'd rather have him "so cruel" that she wouldn't even want to be with him. The young
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