Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-4242037
Chapter 49
This is a locked chapterChapter 49
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young woman, who has just returned from a trip to the country, tells her fiance, who is a country boy named daigo, that she wishes she could feel his "nosy up cock . . doodle doo" . She tells him that he is "sweet" even though he looks "scared" , and that she will always be there to help him out, even if he is on his own. She says that her mother is cheering her on, but that she herself is on her own, and will always take care of her. She sighs and says that she wants to go back to farming, even though she is tired of the country life. She wants to be with her husband, but she knows that he will not let her use his new tractor, which has more horsepower than the old one, because he does not want to "let me use it," as she calls it.
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-4242037
Chapter 49
This is a locked chapterChapter 49
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young woman, who has just returned from a trip to the country, tells her fiance, who is a country boy named daigo, that she wishes she could feel his "nosy up cock . . doodle doo" . She tells him that he is "sweet" even though he looks "scared" , and that she will always be there to help him out, even if he is on his own. She says that her mother is cheering her on, but that she herself is on her own, and will always take care of her. She sighs and says that she wants to go back to farming, even though she is tired of the country life. She wants to be with her husband, but she knows that he will not let her use his new tractor, which has more horsepower than the old one, because he does not want to "let me use it," as she calls it.
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