Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-4242031
Chapter 43
This is a locked chapterChapter 43
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the narrator is a former delinquent farmer who has fallen in love with a young man named daigo. The young man's name is Sebastian, and the narrator has just returned from a trip to Costa Rica, where he has been working as a waiter at a hotel. He has a fever, and his fever is so bad that he can barely remember what he was doing at the hotel. The narrator tells us that he is worried about the young man, and that he and daigo are getting married. He tells the narrator that he was worried about him, but that everything has been thanks to his "plan for me" . He asks the narrator to stop trying to "arrange everything" for him ahead of time, because he is "some one who can do anything on his own . . after all ! gasp smack you, daigo!" The narrator is not happy about the marriage proposal, because it is at his parents' behest.
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 43 • Page ik-page-4242031
Chapter 43
This is a locked chapterChapter 43
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the narrator is a former delinquent farmer who has fallen in love with a young man named daigo. The young man's name is Sebastian, and the narrator has just returned from a trip to Costa Rica, where he has been working as a waiter at a hotel. He has a fever, and his fever is so bad that he can barely remember what he was doing at the hotel. The narrator tells us that he is worried about the young man, and that he and daigo are getting married. He tells the narrator that he was worried about him, but that everything has been thanks to his "plan for me" . He asks the narrator to stop trying to "arrange everything" for him ahead of time, because he is "some one who can do anything on his own . . after all ! gasp smack you, daigo!" The narrator is not happy about the marriage proposal, because it is at his parents' behest.
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