Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 71 • Page ik-page-4814276
Chapter 71
This is a locked chapterChapter 71
About This Chapter
"Dangerous" is the first line of the song, which begins with the narrator's declaration that he's already "our dear boy" . He's happy that his parents are happy with the waterworks, and he wants to show them more of his happy face. He wants to kiss daigo right now, but he knows that no one is going to see them, so he'll have to wait until they get home. "Kiss push!" he says, and daigo responds by saying that he wants a kiss right now. The narrator doesn't want anyone to see the two of them together, and so he tells daigo to "keep your voice down" or else someone will see them together. He says that daigo has to keep his voice down, because no one will be able to hear them. He grabs daigo, kisses him, and tells him to "be inside" him as soon as he can. "I only like it," he says. "Cause it's" you, he says . "You're teasing twitch / You're my reason for making it this far" , he continues. "Be gentle, squeeze when i got boobs / As erotic rubs as these infront of me" ! "You really does love myself !" .
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 71 • Page ik-page-4814276
Chapter 71
This is a locked chapterChapter 71
About This Chapter
"Dangerous" is the first line of the song, which begins with the narrator's declaration that he's already "our dear boy" . He's happy that his parents are happy with the waterworks, and he wants to show them more of his happy face. He wants to kiss daigo right now, but he knows that no one is going to see them, so he'll have to wait until they get home. "Kiss push!" he says, and daigo responds by saying that he wants a kiss right now. The narrator doesn't want anyone to see the two of them together, and so he tells daigo to "keep your voice down" or else someone will see them together. He says that daigo has to keep his voice down, because no one will be able to hear them. He grabs daigo, kisses him, and tells him to "be inside" him as soon as he can. "I only like it," he says. "Cause it's" you, he says . "You're teasing twitch / You're my reason for making it this far" , he continues. "Be gentle, squeeze when i got boobs / As erotic rubs as these infront of me" ! "You really does love myself !" .
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