Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4242034
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that we're back in Japan with the Governess. The Governess is in a bad mood, because her husband, Daigo, has been drinking heavily and sleeping with a prostitute. She tells us that he's the worst husband she's ever met, and that she wishes she could go back to being a housewife. She says that if she had regrets about her marriage, she'd go back and live with someone else. She's not a housewife, she says, and she doesn't have to live with a man who cheats on his wife. Daigo is the worst, she tells us. He's drunk so much that he can't sleep with her. He snores so much, he passes out, and he has sex with a woman who's crying in front of him. He tells her that if he had sex with her, she would have sex with him, too, and they'd have sex in the morning. He says that he wants to have sex right now, but that he needs to be careful.
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4242034
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that we're back in Japan with the Governess. The Governess is in a bad mood, because her husband, Daigo, has been drinking heavily and sleeping with a prostitute. She tells us that he's the worst husband she's ever met, and that she wishes she could go back to being a housewife. She says that if she had regrets about her marriage, she'd go back and live with someone else. She's not a housewife, she says, and she doesn't have to live with a man who cheats on his wife. Daigo is the worst, she tells us. He's drunk so much that he can't sleep with her. He snores so much, he passes out, and he has sex with a woman who's crying in front of him. He tells her that if he had sex with her, she would have sex with him, too, and they'd have sex in the morning. He says that he wants to have sex right now, but that he needs to be careful.
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