Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-4242023
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he knows something is up between the two men. He's worried that they're going to have sex, and he's going to tell them to stay away from the house. The narrator says that he wants to be alone, but he can't stand the smell of the house, so he asks if he can have sex with the two of them. They're not going to be around, he says, because they've had sex before. He wants to kiss her, but the smell makes him uncomfortable. He says he'll take a bath, and the next day they'll have sex. He doesn't know what's happening, and sighs. He tries to make himself feel better about the situation, but it's not working. He tells himself that he needs to get married, because he hasn't had sex in a long time. He sighs again, and says he wants her, too, but that he has no idea why. He asks if there's a woman behind him, and she says there isn't. He groans and says, "that's right, sob huh."
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-4242023
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he knows something is up between the two men. He's worried that they're going to have sex, and he's going to tell them to stay away from the house. The narrator says that he wants to be alone, but he can't stand the smell of the house, so he asks if he can have sex with the two of them. They're not going to be around, he says, because they've had sex before. He wants to kiss her, but the smell makes him uncomfortable. He says he'll take a bath, and the next day they'll have sex. He doesn't know what's happening, and sighs. He tries to make himself feel better about the situation, but it's not working. He tells himself that he needs to get married, because he hasn't had sex in a long time. He sighs again, and says he wants her, too, but that he has no idea why. He asks if there's a woman behind him, and she says there isn't. He groans and says, "that's right, sob huh."
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