In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a former delinquent farmer who is now happily married to a young woman named Rinka. He is a "dirty old man" , and we are told that he has been "cumming inside" . We are also told that the protagonist's sex appeal is "dangerous" because it involves "sputt thrust ah" and "swallowing squelch." We learn that he is a former "drunken old man," and that his sex urges him to "spit and thrust" and to "squeeze thrust." The protagonist then asks if he has "reached his limit," and he is told that if he does not, he will "keep pounding his good no !" . The protagonist asks if the protagonist has reached his "limit," and the protagonist replies that he does, and that "daigo is really . . if you dont , then / thrust thrust thrust / i'll continue pounding your good / no perverted ah, and unkind !!! ." He then asks the protagonist if he fell asleep early, and she says that he did, and he woke up just as he did. She tells the protagonist that she has been waking up every day with him to go to the fields. She says that daigo is sleeping well, but that her hips are starting to give out on her. She asks him if he gave her a "com pliment," and she replies that it was not exactly what she had hoped for, but "wobbledades de san sant san." She then asks him how many times he has to tell her to put her clothes away properly, and says that she
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a former delinquent farmer who is now happily married to a young woman named Rinka. He is a "dirty old man" , and we are told that he has been "cumming inside" . We are also told that the protagonist's sex appeal is "dangerous" because it involves "sputt thrust ah" and "swallowing squelch." We learn that he is a former "drunken old man," and that his sex urges him to "spit and thrust" and to "squeeze thrust." The protagonist then asks if he has "reached his limit," and he is told that if he does not, he will "keep pounding his good no !" . The protagonist asks if the protagonist has reached his "limit," and the protagonist replies that he does, and that "daigo is really . . if you dont , then / thrust thrust thrust / i'll continue pounding your good / no perverted ah, and unkind !!! ." He then asks the protagonist if he fell asleep early, and she says that he did, and he woke up just as he did. She tells the protagonist that she has been waking up every day with him to go to the fields. She says that daigo is sleeping well, but that her hips are starting to give out on her. She asks him if he gave her a "com pliment," and she replies that it was not exactly what she had hoped for, but "wobbledades de san sant san." She then asks him how many times he has to tell her to put her clothes away properly, and says that she