Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4242016
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
Back at the farm, the two young people are having a good time. They've been working hard all day, and now that they're back together, they want to have some fun. The two of them tease each other about the fact that the other is crying in his sleep. It's obvious that the two are having some kind of bonding moment. The girl who lives with them is a childhood friend of chiaki's, and she's been living with them for a while now. The girls are both divorced, and they have kids of their own. The kids are getting their share of the farm's produce for free, and the girls are getting paid for it by the farmers who buy their vegetables. They don't get paid for the vegetables, but they do get to have sex with the girls in exchange for the free vegetables. This is all very funny, because it's clear that the girls and the boys aren't exactly the same age as the other girls and boys in the picture. It seems like the girls have a soft spot for the boys, but the boys have a hard time getting along with them. The only thing that's different about the boys and girls in this picture is that the boys are younger and more beautiful than the girls. It also seems like daigo doesn't have a great eye for the camera, which is why he always scowls at it when he's taking pictures. He's always using the same pose in all of his pictures, which means that he hasn't been working very hard lately. This makes him happy, because he thinks that daigo has been treating them like a couple lately, and he'd like to have a drink with them after all of this hard work. He also wants to
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4242016
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
Back at the farm, the two young people are having a good time. They've been working hard all day, and now that they're back together, they want to have some fun. The two of them tease each other about the fact that the other is crying in his sleep. It's obvious that the two are having some kind of bonding moment. The girl who lives with them is a childhood friend of chiaki's, and she's been living with them for a while now. The girls are both divorced, and they have kids of their own. The kids are getting their share of the farm's produce for free, and the girls are getting paid for it by the farmers who buy their vegetables. They don't get paid for the vegetables, but they do get to have sex with the girls in exchange for the free vegetables. This is all very funny, because it's clear that the girls and the boys aren't exactly the same age as the other girls and boys in the picture. It seems like the girls have a soft spot for the boys, but the boys have a hard time getting along with them. The only thing that's different about the boys and girls in this picture is that the boys are younger and more beautiful than the girls. It also seems like daigo doesn't have a great eye for the camera, which is why he always scowls at it when he's taking pictures. He's always using the same pose in all of his pictures, which means that he hasn't been working very hard lately. This makes him happy, because he thinks that daigo has been treating them like a couple lately, and he'd like to have a drink with them after all of this hard work. He also wants to
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